Limba Engleză ro
L1. Getting Acquainted
Asking for personal information
Talking about one’s family
L2. We’ve Got a Family
Describing people
Speaking about family members
L3. Meet the Royal Family
Talking about the royal family
L4. Jobs
Describing occupations and people’s qualities
L5. My Aunt’s House
Describing rooms and furniture
L6. Houses, Houses…
Describing houses and buildings
Talking about the White House
L7. Household Chores
Talking about household chores
Saying what things are for
L1. School
Talking about the school
Expressing feelings
L2. My Favourite Subject
Talking about school subjects
Telling the time
L3. A Letter from England
Talking about school rules and uniforms
Comparing timetables
L4. In the Classroom
Making requests, asking for permission, apologizing, giving excuses, thanking people and responding to thanks
L5. After Classes
Describing afterclass activities
L6. Friendly Classmates
Talking about classmates
L7. Best Friends
Talking about best friends
L1. Round the Year
Describing and comparing the months of the year
Talking about weather
L2. I Love Nature
Talking about seasons
Describing season colours
L3. It’s Delicious
Reading instructions
Expressing likes and dislikes
Expressing opinions
L4. The Animal World
Describing animals
Talking about pets
L5. Let’s Be Friends
Describing animals
Discussing attitudes to animals
Expressing suggestions
L6. Happy Holidays
Talking about customs and traditions, holiday celebrations in Great Britain and the USA
L7. Christmastime
Talking about winter holidays
Describing Christmas celebrations in the family
L1. Books in My Life
Talking about reference books
Describing a library
L2. The Magic World of Literature
Talking about types of literary texts
Understanding and expressing the wisdom of fables
L3. A Favourite Book
Talking about a favourite author and book
L4. Countries and People
Asking for and giving information about countries, nationalities and languages
L5. Around the World
Talking about capitals and places of interest
L6. Moldova My Love
Talking about Moldova and its attractions
Describing Moldova and its people
L7. An Enjoyable Weekend
Talking about weekends in town and in the country
Expressing preferences
L1. I Have Done It
Talking about completed actions
Talking about personal hygiene
L2. Have You Ever…?
Talking about means of transport
Expressing preferences
L3. An Interesting Trip
Talking about means of transport
Buying tickets
L4. The World of Sport
Talking about sports
The World of Sport Part 3
Talking about sports
L5. School Clothes
Describing clothes
Expressing preferences
L6. A Space Trip
Talking about healthy habits
Describing a flight into space
Comparing life in space and on
A Space Trip Part 3Earth
L7. Summer Holidays
Describing summer vacation
Expressing preferences
Summer Holidays Part 2
Giulliver's Travels" Part 1. Part 2/3
Unit 5 Reading Together “Gulliver’s Travels" Part 2/3